Monday, October 17, 2016

Benefits of the business

One of the key benefits of studying management and business is that it offers students the opportunity to undertake work placements and professional projects. A business degree can help students no matter their approach in the field. Developing better hard skills will help them distinguish themselves from the field, whether they’re competing for high-level industry positions or looking to climb the ranks from a low-level position. No matter the field a student is interested in – even those who don’t know what field they want to enter – the business management degree will give them increased ability to build a versatile resume, according to Business Administration Information.
In addition, business management degrees don’t necessarily mean students have to settle on management itself. A strong knowledge of communication, team-building and critical thinking, all of which are emphasized in the education, will help workers in any field, even if they don’t immediately want to join management. With time, they’ll have the skills to rise through the ranks no matter where they’re hired, as they’ll have the groundroots of any business’s future.

Sunday, October 16, 2016


Why do you want be an accountant?” Interviewee X: “I have finished a Bachelors’ degree in commerce and I feel I have the right skills and educational qualifications to make ‘accounting’ as a career.” The interviewee is vague about what he intends to do in future;,he does not explain why he is a most suitable candidate. Speaking about educational background is fine but specific points will make one ‘standout’ and help ensure a job offer. Interviewee Y: “I am a meticulous person with an eye for detail. I am comfortable with numbers and have a strong educational background in the field. By being an accountant, I will able me to hone my skills and carve a niche for myself in the commerce industry. I look forward to making commerce my main career and accounting is the way to begin.”
Clearly, the second interviewee has been more specific about why he has chosen accounting as a field. He has stated a number of reasons for having interest in the job and has stated his vision in a rather precise way. By his mere statement, he has been able to ‘wipe’ off competition and secure the job!

Highpoint: Though it is important to have a strong reason for applying for the job, it is useless unless well expressed. If you cannot define to the interviewer what makes you an excellent candidate, you might get left behind.

Why I want to become a businessman

When I was youngster my biggest dreams were being actor or a famous artist. Now it’s all changed, now I want to be a “business” man. That naturally means I would like to be some global company’s boss, handling business with other companies, in the other words making much money and getting more famous at business world. That dream started when my grandma told me that I love money and I do much works to get money. I have always been a good seller, and I am good at what comes to selling or business. I could work in other countries too, it gives me potential to learn different cultures and ways to make business. Nowadays cons of being a business man, would be travelling. It might be pretty boring when you have done it too much. And of course, sitting on the office all days, calling and typing on the computer. Not forgetting stress.. But pros of career gets me happy, much traveling from places to places, and salary!

Saturday, October 15, 2016

How do a start a business?

Starting a business is without a doubt a large undertaking, but it is fortunately something that can be attained by anybody with a good idea, a strong work ethic, and a good set of resources.
  There are several crucial steps involved in starting a business, including writing a business plan, securing financing searching and last chosing a location, regestering your business, complying with tax requirements and filing local and states licenses and permits.
  As humans, sometimes arise boredom on us by doing the same job as continue. Perhaps, it also occurred to us to try something new, for example by having own business. In a beginning of business course starts from the bottom with limited capital. Regarding business with small capital, we must also take into account the capital with a business suit. We should be able to use the proper planning in the use of such capital. We can take advantage of what is around us to maximize the business to be run, for example, utilizing the home as a place of business to reduce the cost of renting the premises and take advantage of the family members as workers, so that we do not have to pay employees at the beginning of the business.

Friday, October 14, 2016

What is ABM?

What is ABM strand? 

The Accountancy,Business and Management(ABM) strand of the academic track of the Senior HighSchool(SHS) has nine specialization subjects, namely:
  • Applied Economics
  • Business Ethics and Social Responsiblity
  • Fundamentals of Accountancy,Business and Management(ABM)1
  • Fundamentals of Accountancy, Business and Management(ABM)2
  • Business Math
  • Business Finance
  • Organization and Management
  • Principles of Marketing
  • Work Immersion/Research/Career Advocacy/Culminating Activity
         It should be remembered that these subjects have different competencies and contents, which will be determined by the circumstances of the students, the school, and the Higher Education Institutions(HEIs), in which the students are most likely to enroll.
   As cited in , Accounting Management(Business) is the practical application of management techniques to control and report on the financial health of the organization. This involves the analysis, planning, implementation, and control of programs designed to provide financial data reporting for managerial decision making.
    The ABM strand tackles about Accounting, Business and Management.As cited in, accounting is the measurement,processing and communication of financial information about economic entitles, such as businesses and corporations.
